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The <Audio /> component provides the core functionality.


startMarginnumber | booleantrue

Default Repeat

Specifies the default repeat behavior of the audio player.

Repeat Behavior

There are two repeat behaviors available :

  1. 'track' - Repeats the currently playing track
  2. 'playlist' - Repeats the entire playlist

If not specified, the default behavior is 'playlist'.

The repeat behavior can be controlled using the setRepeat method.

Start Margin

In many audio players, when a certain amount of time has passed since the track began, clicking the "previous track" button restarts the current track. However, if less time has passed, clicking the button skips to the previous track.

The startMargin prop controls this behavior. It accepts both boolean and number values:

  • Setting it to false disables this functionality.
  • Setting it to true defaults the margin to 5 seconds.
  • Providing a number will override the default, specifying the number of seconds to use as the margin.


const audioContext = useAudio();
const AudioPlayer = () => <Audio>{audioContext => (...)}</Audio>;

AudioContext Type

  • audioRef - audio element's ref
  • playlist
  • playing
  • loading - true when loading track's data chunks
  • duration
  • timeLeft
  • currentTime
  • muted
  • shuffle
  • repeat
  • volume
  • playbackRate
  • trackIndex
  • currentTrack
  • play
  • pause
  • togglePlay - play/pause
  • toggleMuted - mute/unmute
  • toggleShuffle - shuffle/unshuffle playlist
  • setVolume
  • setRepeat
  • setCurrentTime
  • forwardTrack
  • rewindTrack
  • nextTrack
  • prevTrack
  • playTrack
  • setPlaybackRate


a hook that provides the audioContext within the scope of the <Audio /> component

import { useAudio } from 're-audio';

const PlayerControls = () => {
const audioContext = useAudio();

return (...);

export default PlayerControls;


  • formatTime - used to format :
    • duration
    • timeLeft
    • currentTime
import { useAudio, formatTime } from 're-audio';

const TimeDisplay = () => {
const { duration } = useAudio();

return <span>{formatTime(duration)}</span>;

export default TimeDisplay;


  • RepeatMode
type RepeatMode = 'track' | 'playlist';
  • AudioChildren
type AudioChildren = React.ReactNode | ((audioContext: AudioContext) => React.ReactNode);
  • AudioTrack
type AudioTrack = {
id: string | number;
src: string;
type?: string;
fallbacks?: Pick<AudioTrack, 'src' | 'type'>[];
} & Record<string, unknown>;
  • AudioState
type AudioState = {
playing: boolean;
loading: boolean;
duration: number;
timeLeft: number;
currentTime: number;
muted: boolean;
shuffle: boolean;
repeat: RepeatMode;
volume: number;
playbackRate: number;
trackIndex: number;
currentTrack: AudioTrack;
  • AudioContext
type AudioContext = {
audioRef: React.RefObject<HTMLAudioElement>;
playlist: AudioTrack[];
playing: boolean;
loading: boolean;
duration: number;
timeLeft: number;
currentTime: number;
muted: boolean;
shuffle: boolean;
repeat: RepeatMode;
volume: number;
playbackRate: number;
trackIndex: number;
currentTrack: AudioTrack;
play: () => void;
pause: () => void;
togglePlay: () => void;
toggleMuted: () => void;
toggleShuffle: () => void;
setVolume: (newVolume: number) => void;
setRepeat: (repeat: RepeatMode) => void;
setCurrentTime: (newCurrentTime: number) => void;
forwardTrack: (step?: number) => void;
rewindTrack: (step?: number) => void;
nextTrack: () => void;
prevTrack: () => void;
playTrack: (trackIndex: number) => void;
setPlaybackRate: (newPlaybackRate: number) => void;